Anything I can automate, I automate. I have an obsession with testing code. I love seeing all the little ticks come up, writing test after test, and seeing a million little green lines of happiness. So it makes sense to take what I’ve learned in my work, and apply it to my game dev as well. Now I ha...


Looking back on 2022, I never quite realised how taxing it is to work 3 jobs. I'd done my time as a full time student as well as part time working retail, I spent half of my uni life running a niche society as well as working, making stupid investments, playing in esports leagues, and obviously bein...


It’s been a long established joke that “if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life, mostly because that field isn’t hiring”. For developers, it’s a different punchline. “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, however after 8 hours of doing it a day, there’s no...


When one gets buried in a problem, it's easy to forget the simple things. Sometimes you sit there scribbling down complex calculus, trying to find the sin of the sum of the square root of xm + yn all to the power of pi, divided by the volume of the nearest black hole measured in imperial units exclusively, only to find out all you were looking for was a + b. It's one of those moments where you kick yourself for missing it earlier, but you had to go through the hell you went through to actually arrive at the simple solution. So infuriatingly simple that you have an overwhelming desire to play the most expensive game of frisbee you can, and send your laptop crashing into the aforementioned black hole.


We've all been there. Document-FINAL-V4-ACTUAL-FINAL-COPY(3)-LATEST.docx. Our desktops looking like a virus running rampant as it duplicates documents. Spending 20 minutes at the end of the project just to find which document was actually the final version. You plug the memory stick in and copy th...