Every year, around May, my partner and I take a holiday. We've done a few different types in the last few years and always around May. One staying in the UK at a quaint little seaside town in Devon, one being a more "active" holiday around Amsterdam doing things like visiting the zoo and touring the...


So, before we get into the ramblings of recent times, let's give you the cliffnotes so far;

  • Simple City is being shelved. I love the concept, I couldn't make it fun. Maybe I'll come back to it, who knows.
  • I've moved primarily over to Godot now, it's a nicer engine and although GDScript is a tr...


Game Jams have always struck me as something inherently odd. As an individual or small group, you decide to take the weekend which is a time usually reserved for relaxation and unwinding, and opt to place yourself under a phenomenal amount of stress as well as typically ruin your sleep pattern in ex...


You ever open up a bit of code, look at it intensely for a few minutes trying to decipher it before coming to the conclusion that it may as well be written in Egyptian heiroglyphs, calling it a dreadful mess and cursing the bastard that wrote it, only to run a git blame and find out that you were...


There is nothing in this world that drives people more than spite. I recently read about how Peter Thiel, billionaire investor and one of the first to invest in Facebook, took nearly a decade to destroy Gawker for outing him as being gay. Instead of just buying Gawker and destroying them instantly (...