
I'm a backend developer in fintech and aspiring game developer, living in the UK. I've been a developer for the last 5 years, and work mostly with .NET services and AWS. At home, I work primarily with Godot, still very much an amateur and not a full fledged developer yet. Currently, I'm working on a narrative focused Coffee Shop game, and a package for Godot to create an entirely data driven Inventory and Crafting System called "Craftventory". Previous projects included working on "Oort's Orbital Postal Service" for Ludum Dare 54, and "Simple City", a city manager game built in Unity. More info on my previous and current projects are available under the "Projects" section in the navigation bar.

I use this place to chronicle my development outside of work, rant about things, and share updates on projects. You can also find me at the Twitter link or Github link at the top of the page.